Thursday, May 22, 2014

How Content Marketing Strategy Can Provide Small Businesses More Exposure Online

Video: Content Marketing Strategy | Content Marketing Strategy Tips | Content Marketing Strategy Plan

How content marketing strategy, tips, and advice, provide small businesses with additional marketing exposure online.

 What Is Content Marketing?

 There are many explanations given online about what is content marketing, but here is how I define content marketing: The strategic ability to create targeted, demographic information which is shared through syndication, capturing an audience's attention, encouraging them to take some type of action, while enhancing the possibility of generating new business clients.

If you are new to marketing content online, I would suggest you do a Google search for content marketing 101, and take a moment to learn this concept. Before you can develop a content marketing plan, you need to understand what is a content marketing strategy. Your content marketing strategies should include one or a few of the following methods: Blog posts, Magazine articles, Videos, Pinterest, Podcast, Webinars or Teleseminars, Press Releases, Tweets, Speeches, Workshops, Interviews, PowerPoint Presentations, Tutorials, Guides, Infographics, White papers, Special reports, Newsletters, eBook, Books, Animated Gifs, and Social Media activity.

Marketing content is not new to the small business marketing world, because in the past it was previously known as magazines (they were articles and advertisements which were written for a specific audience and included some form of Call-to-Action of the reader). B2B content marketing, video content marketing, email content marketing, digital content marketing, are all part of the method for generating online exposure and have a relationship with inbound marketing.

I recommend using an online marketing tool - I prefer using YouTube as my best online marketing tool. Video content marketing is one of the fastest methods of gaining more online exposure for multiple keyword phrases. Additionally, videos can be embedded on your website and shared with other video hosting websites like Vimeo and Daily Motion to name a few.

Making your video content interactive is another method of causing the viewer to take action, with some type of Call-to-Action language. Do you operate a business marketing website? - In other words, is your company website being used efficiently as a marketing platform, such as having a squeeze page or landing page? Many small businesses are losing potential new business because their site is informational, once the visitor finishes reading the content, they leave the website.

Times are changing and marketing strategies 2014 require more of an effort to channel your viewers towards some type of action that will be offered in exchange for their contact information. Developing a content marketing strategy plan also requires that you maintain an online marketing management system. It's important for you to be able to track any campaigns you originate in order to determine if goals are being achieved.

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Content marketing tips
Content marketing strategy
Content marketing strategies
Inbound marketing
B2B content marketing

Is your company taking advantage of using a content marketing strategy?  Contact me today and request an analysis of your current online presence 925-268-0613

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